Saturday, March 05, 2005

Saturday Morning Visit and News

Let me start by explaining a little bit about beds in the ICN.
The smallest babies are put in isolette units. (I might have mispelled that.) You've probably seen them. They're small plastic boxes that completely enclose the baby except for little circles in the sides where doctors and nurses can slide their hands. Babies too large for the isolettes go into slightly larger isolettes. Jamie has never been in an isolette unit. He's been in a warming tray, which pretty much looks like it sounds: an open plastic tray with warming lights mounted on top.

Today we walked in to visit Jamie and his warming tray was gone--replaced by a standard nursery crib. He wasn't even under the billirubin lights (although it's always possible he'll need to go back under for a while). Jamie has received his transfer orders! He'll be moving to the Intermediate Care Nursery later this evening. Of course, we're very excited. Jamie is now wearing clothes, too, which (until this morning) I hadn't realized that he was missing.

We'll go back to see him this evening--just before they transfer him.

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