Friday, March 18, 2005

And that's why Jamie lip synchs

When Jamie's grandmother (called Grand Auntie) was visiting last week, she noticed that Jamie seemed to be having an unusual amount of reflux, even for a baby. After a pretty bad night two nights ago in which Jamie was wheezing and spitting up and generally in pain, we (or, rather, Jay, since he's the primary caregiver and I'm already back at work and class) went to the doctor. Jamie was diagnosed with GER (something something reflux--can't remember what it's called). We had already done our research, and we were doing all the right things. This consists of having smaller, more frequent feedings, burping after every ounce of fluid, and of holding the baby upright for thirty minutes after every feeding. Of course, this means that what little sleep we were getting is now gone because feedings now take at least an hour, and he eats every 2.5 hours. So, the max we could rest if we fell immediately asleep after putting him down would be an hour before it's time to feed again.

Anyway, we were doing all the right things, but they weren't quite good enough. Most babies with this are put on Zantac, but our new pediatrician (we switched because the first one we went to was terrible) doesn't want to medicate a baby unless he has to. We think that's a good philosophy, too. So, Jamie is now having cereal added to his bottles (the extra thickness adds weight to the milk so that it stays down easier--the problem is essentially one of gravity. . . since babies stay on their backs most of the time, they don't have gravity's aid in keeping food down.)

It seems to be working, even after just a day and night of implementing it. Another alternative would be to switch to a formula that comes with the rice added, but at $20/quart, we're not really keen on that idea, if it's at all avoidable.

Jamie is healthy, though. The doctor said his lungs sound perfect, and everything looks good. The doctor also expresed his amazement at how fast Jamie eats. Once again, not a surprise if one considers Jamie's genetic legacy.

As far as we're concerned, we're ready for the maid to come and clean, and we're ready for the personal shopper to go the the grocery store, because the only thing we're managing to accomplish is to grow a perfect baby and make a mess in our apartment. Oh, and if we're lucky, one of us will bathe today. . .

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